23rd Health Research Report 23 JAN 2008 – Reconstructed

Health Technology Research Synopsis

23rd Issue Date 22 JAN 2008

Compiled By Ralph Turchiano

Editors Top Five:

1.      Lipoic acid could reduce atherosclerosis, weight gain
2.      Probiotics affect metabolism, says new study
3.      Value of drugs for pre-osteoporosis exaggerated
4.      Selective reporting of antidepressant trials exaggerates drug effectiveness
5.      4 health behaviors can add 14 extra years of life

In this issue:

1.      More sun exposure may be good for some people
2.      Muscles are affected by cigarette smoking
3.      4 health behaviors can add 14 extra years of life
4.      New statistical technique shows more informative picture of survival
5.      Evidence for Dopamine Toxicity in Neurodegeneration
6.      UCLA study finds brain response differences in the way women with IBS anticipate and react to pain
7.      High degree of resistance to antibiotics in Arctic birds
8.      Stem cells make bone marrow cancer resistant to treatment
9.      Editorialist: Scientific Journals Must Provide a Forum for New Discoveries Based on Clinical Observation
10.  Vitamin D2 supplements may help prevent falls among high-risk older women
11.  Diets high in lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin E associated with decreased risk of cataracts
12.  Selective restraints and reduced medication could reduce nursing home falls says 4-year study
13.  Aggression as rewarding as sex, food and drugs
14.  Lipoic acid could reduce atherosclerosis, weight gain
15.  Celecoxib can adversely affect heart rhythm
16.  Combined HRT increases risk of lobular breast cancer fourfold after just 3 years of use
17.  Probiotics affect metabolism, says new study
18.  Popular osteoporosis drugs triple risk of bone necrosis
19.  Cholesterol-lowering drugs may not prevent Alzheimer’s disease
20.  Selective reporting of antidepressant trials exaggerates drug effectiveness
21.  Indian medicinal plant Acanthus ilicifolius may combat liver cancer
22.  How does Fu-Zheng-Jie-Du-Decoction act on PTEN expression in hepatocellular carcinoma?
23.  Weight gain induced by antipsychotic drugs can be avoided
24.  Toxoplasma Infection Increases Risk of Schizophrenia, Study Suggests
25.  Newly discovered virus linked to deadly skin cancer
26.  Value of drugs for pre-osteoporosis exaggerated
27.  Saline nasal wash helps improve children’s cold symptoms
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