45th Health Research Report 09 NOV 2008 – Reconstruction

Editors Top Five:

1. Selenium may slow march of AIDS

2. Vitamin B1 could reverse early-stage kidney disease in diabetes patients

3. Persistent pollutant may promote obesity

4. Broccoli compound targets key enzyme in late-stage cancer

5. Down’s symptoms may be treatable in the womb

In this issue:

1. Inhaled corticosteroids raise pneumonia risk for lung disease sufferers

2. Stanford/Packard study shows no benefit from drug widely used to prevent premature births

3. US infant formula safe from melamine, says FDA

4. Vitamin K linked to insulin resistance in older men

5. Down’s symptoms may be treatable in the womb

6. Selenium may slow march of AIDS

7. Fast food a potential risk factor for Alzheimer’s

8. Despite “Apology Laws,” Physicians May Not Communicate Medical Errors

9. Broccoli compound targets key enzyme in late-stage cancer

10. Persistent pollutant may promote obesity

11. Calcium and vitamin D may not be the only protection against bone loss

12. A little wine boosts omega-3 in the body: Researchers find a novel mechanism for a healthier heart

13. Flu vaccine linked to reduced illness, impairment of academic performance among college students (Read WHOLE article),,,

14. Eating eggs when pregnant affects breast cancer in offspring

15. Vitamin D found to fight placental infection

16. Interferon as long-term treatment for hepatitis C not effective, report HALT-C researchers

17. Updated standards to reduce metal contaminants in prescription drugs

18. Breaking the silence after a study ends

19. Vitamin B1 could reverse early-stage kidney disease in diabetes patients

20. Statin warning for pregnant women

21. Pine bark reduces inflammatory marker CRP in osteoarthritis


Health Technology Research Synopsis

45th Issue Date 09 NOV 2008

Compiled By Ralph Turchiano




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