FBI ordered to disclose “Going Dark” surveillance program: “police can place surveillance cameras on private property without a search warrant “

Posted by Mohit Kumar on 11/03/2012 05:47:00 AM |
A federal judge ordered the FBI to  disclose more information about its “Going Dark”  surveillance  program, an initiative to extend its ability to wiretap virtually all forms of  electronic communications.
Why shocking ? because a federal judge  just ruled that police can place surveillance cameras on private property  without a search warrant and another federal judge quickly overturned a  previous  decision blocking the indefinite detention provisions of the National  Defense  Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012.
The EFF (Electronic  Frontier Foundation)has filed filed two freedom of  information requests, in response to which they received damned little. Judge  Richard Seeborg says the feds need to go back and try again.
FBI’s wiretapping system is robust and  advanced, so request sought documents concerning limitations that hamper  the DOJ’s ability to conduct surveillance on communication networks including  encrypted services like BlackBerry, social-networking sites like Facebook, and  peer-to-peer messaging services including Skype.
According to Cnet – David Hardy, section chief for the FBI’s record  management division, had told the court that internal documents about a  congressional briefing should not be released in full because: Publicity  (adverse or otherwise) regarding any internal FBI development projects (e.g.  National Electronic Surveillance Strategy), and legislative strategy to make  amendments to outdated laws, that these congressional staffers, and DOJ  representatives, may be requested to provide input on, may seriously prejudice  their effectiveness in helping on other developmental projects, and legislative  strategies…. These employees may have to give input on the development of  strategy plans, like developing ways to enhance ELSUR [electronic surveillance]  capabilities through legislative amendments…. The publicity associated with  the release of these congressional staffers involved with an FBI developmental  project could trigger hostility toward a particular employee….
The battle over increasingly easy government  surveillance will not likely end soon and based on the troubling precedents  established as of late, the chances of the Constitution being honored over the  interests of the federal government seem slim, at best.

About Author:

Mohit Kumar  aka ‘Unix Root’  is Founder and  Editor-in-chief  of ‘The Hacker News’. He is a  Security  Researcher and Analyst, with experience in various aspects of  Information  Security. His editorials always get people thinking and  participating in the new  and exciting world of cyber security. Other than this  : He is an Internet  Activist, Strong supporter of Anonymous & Wikileaks.  His all efforts are to  make internet more Secure. Follow him @ Twitter | LinkedIn |   Google | Email

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