U.S. to give security services access to citizens’ financial data


Mar 14, 2013 05:58 Moscow Time

The administration of U.S. President Barack Obama has announced plans to allow special services access to financial data of all citizens who have accounts in the U.S.. This applies to both Americans and foreigners.

Reportedly, the goal is to deal a blow to financing of terrorist organizations and organized crime groups. Access to personal financial data will thus be granted to the CIA and National Security. Until now, such access was open only to the FBI.

The document which outlines the plan, notes that its development is at an early stage, and it’s hard to say when it will be implemented.

According to statistics from the U.S. Treasury, more than 15 million cases of “suspicious activity” in citizens’ accounts are reported annually.

Earlier, it was reported that several prominent U.S. public and political figures had their personal financial data hacked into. Among them were the U.S. president’s wife, Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Voice of Russia, RBC

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