Are these the most terrifying trousers ever? The 17th century NECROPANTS made from corpse legs – and are supposed to be lucky

EEV: Edited to contain the whole video

By  Sarah Griffiths

PUBLISHED: 07:33 EST, 25  October 2013 |  UPDATED: 10:18 EST, 25 October 2013

Many people will be planning scary costumes  for Halloween, but nothing is likely to compare to this pair of macabre  trousers.

In 17th century Iceland, sorcerers wore  ‘trousers’ made of a dead friend’s skin that were said to bring them  wealth.

According to legend, a morbid deal was struck  between two friends to arrange who became the trousers or ‘necropants,’ which  were used for purposes of traditional magic at the time.

Scroll down for video and an audio  explanation of the trousers…

The only surviving pair of Necropants (pictured). They  were made by skinning a dead man and according to legend, were worn by a friend  to bring him wealth and luck. The coin and piece of paper with a magical symbol  drawn upon it is shown to the right of the ‘trousers’

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft in Holmavik,  Iceland, houses the only known intact pair of necropants, that were meant to be  worn day and night by their owner.

In order to make the necropants (called  nábrók in the naive tongue) an individual  had to get permission from a living man to use his skin after his  death.

The surviving member of the pact had to dig  up his dead friend’s body and peel off the skin of the corpse from the waist  down in one piece without any holes or scratches, to make the magical  trousers.

The wearer of the pants had to steal a coin from a widow  and place it in the scrotum of the trousers, along with the magical sign called  nábrókarstafur, (pictured) drawn on a piece of paper

As soon as they stepped into the pants, the  skin of the corpse stuck to theirs own, according to the museum, which documents  17th century occult practices.

A spokeman for the museum told MailOnline:  ‘They would immediately be stuck with your own flesh and be part of your  body.’

To make the grim garment, the wearer of the  pants had to steal a coin from a poor widow at Christmas, Easter or Whitson and  place it in the scrotum of the trousers, along with the magical sign called  nábrókarstafur, which is drawn on a piece  of paper.

The coin is a ‘tool to gather wealth by  supernatural means,’ according to the spokesman.

It drew money into the scrotum from living  people so ‘it will never be empty’ as long as the original coin is not removed,  according to folklore.

The spokesman told MailOnline the wearing of  the necropants was ‘unusual behaviour’ and reports are ‘pure folklore’ but the  stories say that people could wear them for as long as they lived – but had to  pass them on to a willing recipient before they died.

If the sorcerer wearer of the pants did not  pass them on before his own death, it was said that his body would be infected  with lice as soon as he passed away, but if the trousers were passed on, they  could bring wealth to future wearers.

To ensure the transmission of fortune, the  future wearer of the pants had to put his leg into the right leg of the  necropants before the original owner stepped out of the left one.

According to the legend, the necropants  would keep the money-gathering nature for generations and produce an  endless  flow of coins.


  • An individual was granted permission from a  living man to use his skin after his death
  • The surviving individual dug up his dead  friend’s body and peeled off the skin of the corpse from  the waist down in one  piece
  • He stepped into the necropants, which stuck  to his own skin and then stole a coin from a poor widow to keep in the scrotal  area of the trousers, along with a piece of paper bearing a magical  sign
  • It was thought the ‘trousers’ brought their  owner luck and prosperity

The spokesman said: ‘People would be  able to use them as long as they lived, but they would have to get rid of them  before they die. If they would find someone to take them over the could last  forever.’

17th century Iceland was a tough place as it  suffered harsh trade restrictions from Denmark as well as natural disasters  including a huge volcanic eruption that killed half of the country’s livestock  in years that followed and led to widespread famine.

Coastal settlements were also raided by  pirates, locals sold into slavery in the Arab world, while a giant smallpox  epidemic in the 18th century wiped out a third of the struggling  population.

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