37th Health Research Report 19 AUG 2008 – Reconstruction


Editors Top Five:

  1. UNC researchers find MSG use linked to obesity
  2. Pathogen that causes disease in cattle also associated with Crohn’s disease
  3. Anemia of chronic disease: an adaptive response?
  4. Running slows the aging clock, Stanford researchers find
  5. Dying frogs sign of a biodiversity crisis


In this Issue:

1.      Study: Spices may protect against consequences of high blood sugar
2.      Invest in your family’s health by budgeting for nutrient-rich foods
3.      Hot peppers really do bring the heat
4.      New survey: 82 percent of Americans think health care system needs major overhaul
5.      Medical doctors who do research could be a dying breed
6.      Pathogen that causes disease in cattle also associated with Crohn’s disease
7.      Researchers find cancer-inhibiting compound under the sea
8.      Eat oily fish at least once a week to protect your eyesight in old age
9.      Anemia of chronic disease: an adaptive response?
10.  New evidence on benefits of breast feeding
11.  Low vitamin D levels pose large threat to health
12.  Running slows the aging clock, Stanford researchers find
13.  Adverse reactions to antibiotics send thousands of patients to the ER
14.  Dying frogs sign of a biodiversity crisis
15.  The pandemic potential of H9N2 avian influenza viruses
16.  UNC researchers find MSG use linked to obesity
17.  New mushroom study shows the power of energy density
18.  Potatoes may hold key to Alzheimer’s treatment
19.  Antidepressants may impair driving ability, new research finds
20.  Playing video games offers learning across life span, say studies
21.  Survivors of 1918 flu pandemic protected with a lifetime immunity to virus
22.  Documentary Evidence Reveals Motives of Pharmaceutical “Seeding” Trials
23.  Researchers link cocoa flavanols to improved brain blood flow
24.  Chronic lead poisoning from urban soils
25.  Infection Blocks Lung’s Protective Response Against Tobacco Smoke


Health Technology Research Synopsis

37th Issue Date 19 AUG 2008

Compiled By Ralph Turchiano


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